Mary Jane Berlin Update

by CannerGrow
Posted on June 7, 2024 07:38

Dear Community,

A lot is happening with us at the moment, and we would like to inform you about the latest developments.

We have recently successfully completed further audits by SwissMedic and are pleased to have weekly buyers who appreciate our high-quality flowers. The quality of our products is at a very high level! Additionally, our staff is continuously growing, and we are expanding monthly, which is very pleasing.

From June 14th to 16th, 2024, we will be present at the Mary Jane trade fair in Berlin. Our booth will be operated in collaboration with two renowned German partners. We expect three exciting days with numerous visitors and have prepared some special extras. The start of the trade fair also marks a new phase for our company, but we do not want to reveal more at this point.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth.

At the begin of July, a comprehensive update is planned, which will also include a large FAQ section. This will cover all topics such as harvesting, rooms, and other open questions in detail. Therefore, we kindly ask you to wait with further questions about room launches and similar topics until the blog is published, as it will clarify all information from A to Z and include important news.

We have also decided to temporarily close our shop. All orders with payment received by July 12th. be shipped. Until then, the 80% discount will remain active. In 2025 we will re-coordinate the shop. The Swiss shop is already closed.

We look forward to the trade fair and to the extensive update at the begin of July.

Best regards,

Your CannerGrow Team
